Lil' Chick Pet Sitters 408.839.7502

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Trimming a Cats Nails. Good luck! Nice knowing ya!

Nail Trimming (Cut my nails! I don't think so!!)

I never realized that there are so many people who have cats who are terrified of trimming their cats nails and insist that it can only be done by a vet, which I am sure runs a high price. Even other shelter volunteers look at me in awe when they notice the pair of clippers that I bring with me in my efforts to control the out of hand claw lengths at the shelter. You see, most of the cats will get their claws trimmed during their initial vet checks when coming into the shelter or when being placed in the adoptable areas. However, with the sheer number of animals the shelter sees, they just don't have time to keep up with the regular maintenance of the nails. That is where I come in. Now granted, it isn't an easy tasks, and there are some cats that I just wont try to do this on without the aid of extra hands, but I attribute this to my limited time with the cats and their lack of trust in me.

I found that the SPCA of San Francisco has a nice .pdf regarding the trimming of your cats nails. I will copy the relevant portion below, or you can read the full version.

From the San Francisco SPCA Cat Behavior Department

Nail Trimming

First of all, keep your cats’ nails trimmed short. This is easy to learn to do, and should be considered an essential part of your grooming responsibility. Have your vet show you how to do this the first time. This will prevent cats from damaging furniture (or skin!) as much if they do sneak a scratch.

Like our fingernails, cats’ claws grow continuously. Some cats may only need clipping every few months. Others may need it every few weeks. It is important to check your cat’s toenails at least once a month. It is easier to clip often, taking less of the claw than to wait too long and have to deal with little daggers. For us to trim our own nails regularly is usually a fairly simple, stress-free procedure. Doing the same for our cats can be more difficult.

Cats who stay indoors may need their nails trimmed more regularly than cats who go outside—even if they use their scratching posts often. Scratching on a post helps to remove the “dead” parts of the nail, thus making the nail thinner and sharper. Nails that have not been trimmed for a long time may grow in a circular shape causing the tips to grow into the cat’s paw pad, or they may become too thick which sometimes happens with older or less active cats. In this case the sheath doesn’t get removed so the claw becomes too wide and starts growing into the cat’s pad. This can be extremely painful and may require medical treatment and minor surgery. It can also lead to infection. This is why regular trimming is essential.

Some Important Tips

· Handling your cat’s paws regularly, when he’s relaxed will allow him to become used to the feeling of having his paws touched. He may then be less upset at claw clipping time.

· Ask someone to help you; it is much easier than trying to hold a struggling cat and wield clippers simultaneously. A “scruff-hold” can be used to restrain the cat. This involves firmly, yet gently restraining the cat by holding his or her scruff and supporting the rest of the cat’s body. While one person holds, the helper can do the actual clipping.

· Before you attempt it on your own, have your veterinarian demonstrate nail trimming for you.

· Choose a time when your cat is calm—naptime may be the best. It is possible that you may only be able to do one toe at a time, especially at first.

· Get appropriate clippers for cats’ claws – do not use human nail clippers or scissors!

How To Do It

· Check the cat’s paws for dirt; although they usually keep their own feet clean, you will want to be able to see the claw clearly. You can extend the cat’s nail by picking up the cat’s foot and gently applying a little pressure on the top and bottom of the toe just behind the nail.

· Make sure there is enough light. Having the cat’s paw between the source of light and yourself makes it much easier to see where you need to cut.

· Keep the clippers perpendicular to the nail. Look for the “quick” in the cat’s nail. Notice how far into the nail the quick extends. (The quick is a vein. You can see it as the pinkish area inside the nail.)

The clipper is best placed about 1/8 inch forward of the quick. If your cat will sit still long enough, you may want to gently file the tips after cleaning.

If You Trim The Nail Too Close

Your cat may give a cry and try to pull away from you. You may observe a small bit of blood on the end of the nail. Wipe the blood away with a tissue or paper towel. Dab some super glue, corn starch or styptic powder (available in pet stores) on the tip to stop the bleeding. In the future, you will want to cut the nails a little further away from the quick.

Reposted from a blog by

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