Aside from taking a pet first aid & CPR course, which every pet owner and pet professional should do, it's also important to have a pet first aid kit. Having a well-stocked pet first aid kit can be a key factor in your pet's well-being during an emergency. It will serve to help you you prevent further injury, lessen the chance of infection, and even save your pet's life.
You can either purchase a commercial pet first aid kit or put one together yourself.
Putting one's own kit together is best this way you'll know what's in it and items can be tailored to your pet.
At the very least a pet first aid kit should contain the following:
sterile gauze pads,
gauze rolls
first aid tape
3% hydrogen peroxide
antibacterial ointment
antiseptic wipes
eye dropper
digital thermometer
antihistamine (Benadryl or generic)
blanket or stretcher
It should also include the address and phone number for your veterinarian as well as the nearest animal emergency center.
Phone number for the Animal Poison Control Center: 888-426-4435.
If you would rather buy a pet first aid kit, be sure to familiarize yourself with the contents. Take all of the items out and make sure you know what they are, how to use them, and if they're appropriate for your pet (for example, if a muzzle's included make sure it's the right size and that you know how to put it on your dog.)
The hope is that you will never need to use your first aid kit, but if you do, having it handy will save time and may save your pet's life.
Article by www.petsitusa.com
Lil' Chick Pet Sitters
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